Kicking of the fall season with exuberance and flair, Kenise Barnes Fine Art presents a show of painting and sculpture that is well, Crazy Beautiful!


This exhibition is a guilty pleasure, like opulent jewelry for the gallery – color, glossy surfaces and pattern rule the day.


Susan Chrysler White (Iowa City, IA) has created a site-specific work just for this show. It is a jaw droppingly beautiful floor to ceiling painted acrylic sculpture with chandelier like qualities .


Iranian born Hadieh Shafie (Baltimore, MD) makes ink and paper paintings comprised of tightly scrolled and rolled paper with “eshghe”, the Farsi word for love written by the artist. Shafies’work vibrates with an op-art sensibility.


Jackie Tileston’s (Philadelphia, PA) paintings are like a condensed lesson in the history of painting and materials. The artist combines oil, alkyd and acrylic paints, powered pigment and laser transfers. Her sources are taken from her frequent trips, especially to India.


Mia Pearlman (New York, NY) has installed her Voluta sculpture in the gallery window. It is a magical composition of laser cut translucent polystyrene and was recently featured at the Museum of Arts and Design, NYC.


Hot pink auto body glitter and poured urethane are transformed into a racy hybrid sculpture titled Ultraform Systems II by Kirk McCarthy (Philadelphia, PA).


Cristi Rinklin (Boston, MA) uses an airbrush and a tradition paintbrush onher diabond aluminum surface to realize her fantasmorgical landscapes. The works simultaneously evoke old master paintings and contemporary video games.


Kathleen Kucka (New York, NY) pours and manipulates acrylic paints to produce her ephemeral labyrinth-like paintings. The glossy surfaces are tactile and complex.