Kenise Barnes Fine Art is pleased to open our 2015 exhibition schedule with a group exhibition featuring six contemporary photographers.


Palmer Davis’s Here and Now series is an elegy to his father. The series is about claiming graspable, heightened moments, when life opens up, time expands and essential truths are revealed. The pictures transcend being photographs and become experiences; they seek to exist in an eternal present.


Twenty-one-year-old photographer Nicole Ravicchio captures her own image in a series of nude self-portraits situated in nature. The mysterious photographs are romantic and brave.


Roger Ricco builds small tabletop sets in which compositions are assembled and shot, often using large translucent screens and transparent geometric objects in order to produce compositions that virtually float in the space as ghostlike artifacts.


Internationally acclaimed photographer Bastienne Schmidt contributes work from her Home Stills series. The series, begun in 2011, are self-portraits that address issues of motherhood and domesticity as seen through the artist’s optics.


The gallery is pleased to debut a new suite of photographs by painter Royce Weatherly. These photos are examples of still life tableaus that Weatherly “didn’t want to become paintings.” Originally shot in the mid- to late ‘90s, the photos are cherished still life compositions of the artist’s collection of ordinary objects that resisted interpretation in paint. They now exist as an independent series of extraordinary photographs.


Tricia Wright, also primarily a painter, crosses mediums to produce a series of color photographs of her meticulously handmade, sculptural objects. In this series, she continues her interest in patterning and domestic trappings. Her use of hardware store findings and decorative fabrics trim against a painted Anaglypta backdrop to reimagine common items as elegant ready-mades.