Sally MacaMeteor Shower, 20236 x 4 inchesSold
Sally MacaStarburst, 20233 x 3 inchesSold
Sally MacaNew Constellation, 20236 x 4 inchesSold
Sally MacaNebula 2, 20236 x 4 inchesSold
Sally MacaNebula, 20234 x 4 inchesSold
KK KozikWeeping Cherry, 202246 x 37 inches$ 9,500.00
Sally MacaLunar Conjunction 2, 20235 x 5 inchesSold
KK KozikWhite River, 202237 x 46 inches$ 9,500.00
David KonigsbergCabbage Field, 202344 x 55 inchesSold
Sally MacaLunar Conjunction, 20235 x 5 inchesSold
KK KozikPink Doe and Stag, 202247 x 36 inches$ 9,500.00
Amanda AckerBarn Window, 202320 x 16 inchesSold
KK KozikBluebird, 202246 x 57 inches$ 12,000.00
David LicataHigh Tide, 202320 x 37 x 6 inches$ 6,050.00
Amanda AckerQuilt Square, 202310 x 8 inchesSold
Amanda AckerFrances Swan, 202348 x 60 inches$ 8,000.00
David KonigsbergEvening, 202348 x 46 inchesSold
David KonigsbergDave the Swimmer, 202350 x 36 inchesSold
David LicataMagic Hour, 202326 x 22 x 2 inches$ 8,000.00
David LicataThe Gunks, 202226 x 17 x 5 inches$ 6,500.00
Days I Have Held, Days I Have Lost: Amanda Acker, David Konigsberg, KK Kozik, David Licata, Sally Maca
Past exhibition