Kenise Barnes Fine Art presents a new show of four contemporary artists working with grids. Numerous artists have explored the grid in the twentieth century. The grid is an icon of Modernism typified by minimalist art, architecture and urban landscape.


 Marietta Hoferer, Heather Hutchison, Henry Mandell and Susan Schwalb exhibit unique works with the common theme of using a simple grid as the underlying structure for their compositions.


Marietta Hoferer utilizes an everyday yet uniquely modern material; clear packing tape reinforced with silk threads on paper to map out subtle grids that quietly assertive.  Hoferer’s work evokes repeating, orderly forms in nature. 


Heather Hutchison is showing her masterful encaustic paintings. These are works constructed with bees wax on Plexiglas boxes. She creates captivating work that seems to produce it’s own inner  light. 


Henry Mandell captures our interest and imagination by using technology and text to create his grids. In this newest body of work he generates grids digitally by layering weather forecasting text to create a snapshot of a single day. They are monochromatic and formally arresting. 


Susan Schwalb makes her elegant paintings and drawings from an ancient technique called silver point. Using bars of silver, the artist creates subtleties that are at once meticulous and gestural.


The works in this exhibition resonate with simple, clear language that is encompasses both visual art and written language.