Paint Draw Paint brings together a new series of paintings, each one with corresponding works on paper employed in the investigation of Steiger’s subject matter. Through the exploration of the artist’s working process, we are presented with drawings ranging from rudimentary sketches to developed color pencil drawings to oil paintings. When viewed together the show offers a glimpse of the artist’s process of fully developing an image from its initial conception.


Steiger continues to explore landscapes, iconographic American buildings and industrial structures. The work has grown increasingly more abstract and reductive. These pared down compositions ultimately communicate more through their spare directness. To draw with such bare materials as colored pencil or ink on paper is immediate and liberating. Decisions made regarding scale and color flow from one drawing to the next and lead, in due course, to the painting. The painting may, in turn, inform the drawing, thus creating an ongoing dialogue within the process.


The artist has been exhibiting at Kenise Barnes Fine Art for five years. He shows widely in the United States and in Europe. His work is in the collection of The Museum of Modern Art and the Whitney Museum. Art News, The New York Times, the NY Sun are among the numerous publications that have featured the artist.


William Steiger is a graduate of Yale University and University of California. He lives and works in New York.