Melanie ParkePostcard from Morandi, 202424 x 18 inchesSold
Melanie ParkePorcelain Red, 202424 x 24 inches$ 3,500.00
Sally MacaWindow Dressing, 20245 x 5 inchesSold
Melanie ParkeEmerald Rain, 202424 x 24 inches$ 3,500.00
Sally MacaHudson River School, 20244 x 4 inches (unframed), 4.75 x 4.75 inches (framed)Sold
Amanda AckerSoup Season, 20249 x 12 inchesSold
Amanda AckerProud Vegetables, 20249 x 12 inches$ 1,100.00
Melanie ParkeBirds and Spoons, 202436 x 48 inches$ 7,200.00
Sally MacaFlowers for Hilma, 20247 x 5 inchesSold
Melanie ParkeNights are for Moths, 202440 x 30 inches$ 5,500.00
Sally MacaTulip Posy, 20244 x 4 inches (unframed), 4.75 x 4.75 inches (framed)Sold
Amanda AckerCar Shadow, 20249 x 12 inches$ 1,100.00
Amanda AckerPlants In, 20249 x 12 inchesSold
Amanda AckerSeptember Garden, 20249 x 12 inchesSold
Amanda AckerBlue Night, 20249 x 12 inchesSold
Sally MacaBacklit, 20246 x 8 inchesSold
Amanda AckerGood Morning, 20249 x 12 inchesSold
Sally MacaOver Easy, 20245 x 5 inchesSold
Melanie ParkeWatervale Yellow, 202424 x 18 inches$ 3,200.00
Amanda AckerWinter Birds, 202320 x 16 inches$ 2,200.00
Sally MacaMum Season, 20244 x 4 inches (unframed), 4.75 x 4.75 inches (framed)Sold
Sally MacaAfterglow, 20245 x 5 inchesSold
Sally MacaDog Days, 20244 x 4 inches (unframed), 4.75 x 4.75 inches (framed)Sold
Amanda AckerRefrigerator Art, 20249 x 12 inchesSold
Melanie ParkeInside for Winter, 202420 x 16 inchesSold
Inside for the Winter: Amanda Acker, Sally Maca, and Melanie Parke
Past exhibition